
This is the beginning. This book is the first half of research notes for a project called ‘The Reunification of Science and Philosophy’. If you think such reunification has already been achieved, I beg to disagree. In order to sharpen its clarity and self-consistency the endeavour has had to develop its own philosophical vehicle called Natural Dialectic.

A galaxy of us humans has always wanted answers to the basic questions of science and philosophy – how did we get here, who am I, how and why does it all work and what, if anything, is behind the whole, massive theatre of existence?

Yet we have recently been schooled, consciously or otherwise, in a reduced version of vision, a preference towards scientific stories, myths and explanations; and, since it is said that ‘attitude is everything’, such materialistic angle of perspective needs adjustment. This project is, within the prism of your mind, intended to redress imbalance.


Tidied up notes form the basis from which later books in the series have been derived. A series of abbreviations have led to material suitable for course presentation addressing three major questions – the nature and origin of consciousness, cosmogony (the origin of physicality) and the origin of biological life-forms. Cross-curricular subject matter involves philosophy, information theory, physics, psychology, spiritual practice, biology and sociology. Aspects of all these can be simply, consistently grouped within a binary structure and visualised within the framework of three related models. These are balance in the form of scale, energetic projection in the form of concentric circles and energetic constraint (or degrees of fixity) in the form of a pyramidal ziggurat.

Can the non-conscious, physical universe, studied exhaustively by physics and chemistry, really be reconciled with natural metaphysic in the form of concept, intellect, mathematics,  purpose, information, consciousness and the whole world of mind? This is the exploration you could be embarking on.


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Volume 0:     Setting the Scene

Book 0:       A Systematic Start

Part 0:        Natural Dialectic’s ABC

Science and the Soul: Reception

0    Poles Together

The Light in Your Eye


Perhaps It’s All in Mind


Natural Dialectic

Opposite Directions of Mind

Two Sorts of Implement

Archetypal Greeks

Two Pillars: a Dialogue of Faith

The Objective Pillar

The Subjective Pillar

Pure Objectivity

Scientific Delusions

Religious Delusions


The Cosmological Axis

Polar Perspectives: Top-Down/ Bottom-Up

Comparative Analysis


A Complementary Course

1.           Natural Dialectic’s ABC

First Principles



Two Existential Principles





Informed Energy

2.           Cosmic Fundamentals, Stacks and Ziggurats



Event Vectors

Three in One

Primary and Secondary Dialectical Stacks

The Tri-logical Form of Natural Dialectic

Cosmic Fundamentals – Three Qualities

The Essential or Central (Sat) Quality

The Existential Vectors (raj and tam)

Hierarchical, Triplex Construction of the Cosmic Pyramid

Sliding Up and Down a Slope



3.    Truth, Appearance and Reality


Two Kinds of Paradox

Primary Inversion

Scale Switch

Perspective Switch

Semantic Switch

Truth, Appearance and Reality

Two Value Systems

Rights and Wrongs

Is There an Absolute Morality?

From Science to Conscience

Conscience in Principle

Conscience in Practice

4.   Cause and Coincidence

Coincidence or No Coincidence?

Integrity, Coordination and Coherence

An Act of Creation


How Can Science Sensibly Cope?

Volume 0:    Setting the Scene

Book 0:      A Systematic Start

Part 1:       Information

5.    Information is Immaterial

The God Delusion?

Intelligent Design


Information, Messages, Arrangement

Information is Immaterial

Information is Hierarchical

Orderly Creation

A Cyclical Order of Information

Alignment with Truth

(Sat) Potential or Transcendent Information

Top Teleology

6.    Design Dissected


The Calculations of Mind

Phased Intent

Purposely Down to Earth

Getting Your Way – Pragmatics

What Do You Mean?

Information’s Infrastructure – Code

The Lowest, Physical Level

Active on Passive



Mind Machines

Universal Authorship

Volume 0:    Setting the Scene

Book 1:      (Energetic) Stage Before a Play

Part 0:       Physics

7.    Towards a Theory of Physic and Metaphysic

At Least Two Sides to a Single Story.

Towards a Theory of Physic and Metaphysic?

Can Mathematics Help Us?

Any More Questions?

What Answers?

Are There Any Other Kinds of Answer?

The Principles of a Unified Theory of Matter

The Essential Pair

The Infinite

The Order of the Infinite

The Finite

The Order of the Finite

Order Before a Physical Start

Tugs and Wobbles

Order Below a Physical Start

Bulk Reality

8.    Lord Deliberate or Lady Luck?

Accidentally or On Purpose?

An Age of Unreason.

The Order of Invariance

Precondition/ Potential

Is a Finely Tuned Universe Coincidental?

Is the Invariance a Fix?


Valuable Constancy

Emergence from the World’s Nest

Metaphysical Evasion

Getting to Grips with Lady Luck

Are You Certain?

Punting on the Cosmic Stream

Up Horseshoe Creek

Shots in the Dark

An Unholy Apparition

The Chance-Killer

Puppets, Mummery and Dram

No Information from Confusion

Systematic Clarity

A Flight from Science?

A Culture of Doubt

The Matrix

Is The Match Friendly?

Atheism’s Last Refuge

9.    Holy Grails

Unity and Unification

Holy Grails

High Wires

Snip, Snip


Split Flow

The Spring of Inter-polar Motion

Boxing the Infinite

10.    Nothing

The Nature of Nothing

The Order of Nothing

There’s More to Nothing


Pay Attention

Is Nothing Important?

How Does Nothing Physical Work?

Space for Space

Old Vacuums

New Vacuums

Dialectical Vacuum

Gazing into Space

Is Space a Waste?

11.    Time


Species of Time



Archetypal Time


Material Times

The Geometry of Time

AC or DC?



Day-Age Controversy

Grades, Principles and Times

12.    Physical Energy

Pure, Polar Energy

Matter’s Holy Ghost

tam/ raj/ Sat

How Absolutely Holy is the Ghost?

Grit in the Ghost

Alpha Points

The Labours of an Empty Womb

PAM’s Miracle

Twinkle, Twinkle

(Raj) Levity

(Sat) Equilibrium

(Tam) Gravity

It Takes Three to Tango

Points Omega


